The holiday season is upon us and can be quite overwhelming with distractions everywhere you look. Last minute gift purchases, wrapping up projects at work, and occupying the kids while they’re out of school are just a few of many tasks. While all of these activities are quite time consuming, it’s important to stay on top of your orthodontic treatment. Dentists who treat misaligned teeth with Invisalign in Covington all agree; don’t take a break from your treatment just because life is hectic! Read on to learn how to stay on top of your dental game while celebrating the holidays.
Wear Your Aligners Often
Invisalign aligners only work when you’re wearing them. It’s recommended that they be worn for up to 22 hours per day, and only removed to eat or drink. Failure to wear your aligners can keep you from achieving timely results, completely throwing off and prolonging your treatment plan. Setting a reminder in your phone every morning may be helpful if you find yourself forgetting to wear them.
Maintain Good Oral Hygiene
Brushing twice a day, along with flossing on a regular basis is always important, but it’s especially important when you undergo any orthodontic treatment. Any signs of oral health problems can delay your progress until the issue has been resolved. Good dental health helps in the long run, allowing your teeth to look great and feel healthy.
While brushing and flossing are easy to do at home, you may feel like slacking if you’re traveling during the holidays. Remember to pack a travel sized toothpaste, a toothbrush, dental floss, and a small bottle of mouthwash to ensure your teeth are well taken care of.
Remove Your Aligners When Necessary, Just Don’t Forget Them!
The holiday season just isn’t the same without staples such as hot chocolate or warm apple cider. While these are both delicious treats, try to refrain from drinking them while wearing your aligners. Warm liquids can potentially damage or alter the shape of the aligners. Although you can always get a replacement, this process takes valuable time away from your treatment, and will also add to your orthodontic expenses.
While we’re on the subject of removing aligners, it’s important to remember where you put them! If you know you’ll be eating away from home, make sure you bring your Invisalign case with you. Far too often Invisalign aligners are removed and placed on napkins while eating. They are later thrown away by mistake and by the time you notice, it’s far too late to retrieve them.
With the right preparation, you can still enjoy the holidays while moving forward with your Invisalign treatment.
About the Author
Dr. Stephen Dean has considered dentistry to be a lifelong passion. He, along with the staff at Dean Dental Care, focus on providing patients with exceptional treatment. He has decades of experience and advanced training in cosmetic dentistry, including orthodontic solutions such as Invisalign.
If you’d like to give yourself the gift of straight teeth during the holidays, please call our office at (770)786-3915 or visit our website.