Because of everything that’s going on in the world regarding the outbreak of COVID-19, you have likely been avoiding touching surfaces in public places, constantly disinfecting new items in your home, and frequently washing your hands. These are all great precautions to take. With all the things that you worry about being clean, dental equipment during your next checkup shouldn’t be one of them. Dentists ensure that their instruments are always sterilized between patients to prevent the spread of illnesses and infections. This is especially critical during the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more about how your dentist and dental team disinfect equipment along with other cleaning steps being taken around the office to keep you and your family safe from contracting the virus.
How Dental Equipment Is Sterilized
There are very strict guidelines that dentists follow to ensure that viruses that are spread through saliva and blood are not transmitted. During the pandemic, this is especially important considering the severity of COVID-19. Dental equipment is sterilized using these methods:
- Certain tools like forceps, dental scalers, and mouth mirrors are sterilized according to standards set by the American Dental Association (ADA). This includes the use of an autoclave. This machine uses high pressure and elevated temperatures to disinfect equipment.
- Some types of dental equipment are completely single use to ensure they are always sterile. This includes surgical masks, gloves, syringe needles, and cotton rolls. All of these items are disposed of at the end of each patient’s appointment.
- Instruments like the suction device that pulls saliva from your mouth, the air syringe, and the water syringe all have disposable tips that are replaced after each patient.
How Other Objects in the Dental Office Are Disinfected
There are many other frequently touched items in the dentist’s office that must be disinfected on a regular basis. This is how:
- Commonly touched surfaces: Surfaces such as light switches, faucets, counters, and doorknobs are routinely disinfected with a hospital grade solution that is effective against bacteria and viruses. The overhead light, electrical cords, keyboards, and the dental chair are all protected with a plastic cover. After each patient, the covers are replaced and properly cleaned with a disinfectant.
- Personal protective equipment (PPE): Your dentist has always used PPE in the office. Now they are wearing even more! Gloves, surgical masks, protective clothing, and face shields are all worn by dentists to decrease the likelihood of transmitting germs. All protective gear is properly disposed of or disinfected between patients.
It is part of your dentist’s job to ensure that everything is in sanitary condition before patients arrive. Using a variety of different cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing techniques provides patients with a safe environment that can give you a more comfortable experience during your next visit.
About the Author
At Dean Dental Care, Dr. Stephen Dean believes it’s important to keep up with modern dental technology to give his patients the best experience possible. He pursued his doctorate at the Medical University of South Carolina but continues his education each year by attending continuing education at prestigious institutions like the Dawson Academy and the Pankey Institute. He understands the importance of treating patients in a safe, sterile environment. For more information on how dental offices are kept clean, visit his website or call (770) 786-3915.