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4 Easy Tips for Taking Care of Your Clear Aligners

August 31, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — deandentalcare @ 10:10 pm
Closeup of smiling patient with clear aligners in Covington

Clear aligners are a revolutionary treatment and are quickly becoming the most popular way to address orthodontic issues. Not only are they removable and generally more comfortable than traditional metal braces, but they’re virtually invisible when worn! No more feeling embarrassed about shiny metal wires and brackets distracting from your appearance during treatment. However, it’s important to remember that your aligners will only stay clear as long as you take care of them. Here are four easy and practical tips for taking care of your clear aligners in Covington.


4 Common Causes of TMD

August 12, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — deandentalcare @ 7:25 pm
Bruxism, one of several possible TMD causes

Have you been experiencing jaw pain lately? Perhaps a clicking sound when you move your mouth? If so, you may be dealing with a jaw condition called TMD. It’s important to know for sure, as the latter often needs dental treatment to prevent future problems. Otherwise, you could risk bite issues, tooth erosion, inflammation, or sleep apnea. That said, your Covington dentist can help confirm your situation. Read on to learn about four common TMD causes that you ought to address.


Why Do Dentists Take X-Rays?

July 21, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — deandentalcare @ 11:25 pm
Dental X-ray

You go to the dental office for regular cleanings and checkups every six months, and oftentimes, you require dental X-rays at the start of your appointment. Have you ever wondered the reason behind this practice? If you aren’t in any pain, why does your dentist need to look below the surface of your smile? Continue reading to learn more about dental X-rays, how they work, and how often you need to get them done.


Are You at Higher Risk of Oral Cancer?

July 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — deandentalcare @ 9:25 pm
Oral cancer ribbon

When you think about the health of your smile, you are generally considering tooth decay and gum disease, but do you know if you are at increased risk for oral cancer? This refers to cancer that develops in any part that makes up the oral cavity. It can occur on the lips, tongue, gums, cheeks, roof, and floor of the mouth. Read on to learn more about the risk factors of oral cancer as well as the warning signs of this disease.


Busting Five of the Most Common Myths About Dentures

June 10, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — deandentalcare @ 4:43 pm

It’s not always easy to distinguish fact from fiction; there are many myths, falsehoods, and morsels of misinformation circulating around out there that often cause confusion. That said, some of these myths involve dentures, and despite some of the weird or negative things that you’ve maybe heard about them, they’re actually a pretty neat and viable dental solution for people with missing teeth! Keep reading to learn more about dentures as we dispel five of the most common myths concerning them.


Can Dentures Affect My Nutrition?

June 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — deandentalcare @ 3:57 pm
Person holding dentures in hand.

Your teeth are important; not only do they provide you with a dazzling smile, but they’re also the best available tools for biting and chewing your food. That said, missing teeth can be a serious problem; in fact, the American College of Prosthodontics estimates that around 40 million adults are missing all of their teeth! Luckily, dentures offer an effective solution for replacing those lost pearly whites and allowing you to eat, speak, and smile normally once more. But even though they’re meant to help you out, did you know that wearing dentures can actually negatively affect your body’s nutrition? Keep reading to learn more about this connection and what you can do to ensure that your dentures don’t give you any trouble when it’s time to eat.


Why You Still Need to See a Dentist If You Have a Denture

May 26, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — deandentalcare @ 2:34 pm
full denture soaking in glass of water

Have you had several teeth replaced with a full or partial denture? At first glance, you may be fooled into thinking that you don’t need to see the dentist as often once you get this type of tooth replacement – after all, you have fewer “real” teeth, right? But think again. There are several good reasons to keep up with your dental checkups with dentures. Keep reading to find out what they are. 


4 Ways Smiling Can Boost Your Health

May 25, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — deandentalcare @ 8:03 pm
woman smiling at sunset

When you feel great about your teeth, you are more likely to smile – and research shows that grinning can, in turn, benefit your overall health. In fact, there are four specific ways that flashing your beautiful pearly whites can boost your wellbeing. Keep reading to learn about the many benefits of smiling, and how you can improve the appearance of yours with cosmetic dentistry for a lifetime of grins!


Top 5 Tips and Tricks for Eating With Dentures

April 22, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — deandentalcare @ 3:51 pm
man eating with dentures in Covington

If you want to replace any missing teeth, then dentures are one of the most popular ways to do it. With them, you’ll be able to enjoy talking and living with a full smile again. While they offer the necessary support for your mouth, it can be challenging to perform certain daily oral habits, such as enjoying your favorite meals. Read on to learn five important tips for getting used to eating with dentures!


Top 5 Complications of Ill-Fitting Dentures

April 5, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — deandentalcare @ 2:43 pm
man holding dentures in Covington

Dentures are a viable and convenient way to replace missing teeth. Not only can they support your jaw and face, but they’ll boost your confidence in your smile again! That’s why it’s important to ensure that they’re placed perfectly in your mouth. Keep reading to learn several complications that can be caused by ill-fitting dentures.

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