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Are Implant Dentures Really Different From Traditional Ones?

March 24, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — deandentalcare @ 9:16 pm
example of implant dentures

You may have worn traditional dentures for a long time, and even though they give the support you need, they can sometimes be embarrassing to deal with. However, you can always discover if you’d be a good candidate for switching to implant dentures. But are they really that different from the previous kind? Read on to learn what you can expect from these restorations and how they compare to each other.


4 Signs Your Dentures Should Be Replaced

March 8, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — deandentalcare @ 8:15 pm
example of dentures in Covington

If you have missing teeth, then one of your best restoration options is dentures. Not only are they convenient and provide the support your mouth needs, but they’re also easy to maintain! While they can last you up to seven years with proper care, you’ll have to get new ones if you experience certain issues. Keep reading to learn the four signs that you should replace your dentures right away.


How Long Will My Dentures Take To Get?

February 6, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — deandentalcare @ 9:41 pm
man smiling with dentures in Covington

Are you wanting to commit to teeth replacement treatment? If so, you’ve likely looked into getting dentures. Not only are they an affordable option, but they’ll provide you the comprehensive restoration for a smile you can be proud of! While the end results are something to look forward to, you should probably know how long the entire procedure will actually take. Keep reading to discover what you can expect from your denture process.


4 Ways to Change the Appearance of Small Teeth

January 6, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — deandentalcare @ 2:14 am
Woman smiling after cosmetic treatment

Do you feel that the appearance of small teeth is taking away from your smile? Fortunately, if you aren’t happy with the way your smile looks, there are several different cosmetic options out there to help. Smaller-than-average teeth are a common aesthetic concern of patients, so there are a variety of correction methods out there for just that! Continue reading to learn about some of the different ones available.


5 Strange Dental Emergencies

November 30, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — deandentalcare @ 8:20 pm

Have you ever had to go to the dentist as the result of a dental emergency? Many dental emergencies are the result of toothaches or other forms of mouth pain, a lost tooth, or a cracked pearly white. However, some trips to the emergency dentist may uncover something unexpected. Read on to learn about five of the weirdest dental emergencies to date and how they came about.


How Mental Health Affects Dental Health

November 18, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — deandentalcare @ 7:43 pm
stressed person with mental health issues

The state of our mental health has a big impact on everyday life. Depression has been linked to chronic illnesses like cardiovascular disease, asthma, cancer, and arthritis. Schizophrenia has been linked to an increased risk of respiratory and heart diseases. Though the effects mental health issues have on your overall health are well documented, what kind of impact do they have on your oral health? Read on to learn more about the link between mental and oral health as well as what you can do to improve them.


Can Gum Disease Be Cured?

October 29, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — deandentalcare @ 3:22 pm
man discussing gum disease in Covington with his dentist

With well over 50% of Americans having some form of gum disease, it’s one of the most common oral health conditions. It’s the leading cause of tooth loss in the United States and has also been linked to an increased risk of serious health issues, including stroke, diabetes, respiratory infections, and heart disease. Thankfully, if it’s caught early enough, gum disease in Covington can be treated and symptoms can be reversed. Read on to learn which stages of gum disease can be cured and which ones will cause permanent damage.


5 Duties of Your Dental Hygienist

October 13, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — deandentalcare @ 2:59 pm
dental hygienist in Covington working on patient’s teeth

During your biannual checkups and cleanings, your dental hygienist in Covington will do a deep clean of your teeth. Though it’s an important part of their jobs, hygienists do a lot more than just clean your teeth. Their job includes tons of daily responsibilities that are performed behind the scenes. Read on to learn more about the many responsibilities of your dental hygienist.


Are Tooth Stains Hereditary?

August 12, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — deandentalcare @ 5:29 am
Woman smiling with stained teeth

Everyone seems to dream of having a bright, white smile like what you see on the big screen. Unfortunately, we aren’t all born with the model-like smile that we have always wanted. Discoloration can be caused by numerous different factors, including tobacco use, drinking pigmented beverages, and aging. But can tooth stains be genetic as well? Continue reading to learn more about how genetics can affect the appearance of your teeth.


Do You Have a Chipped Tooth? Here’s What You Should Do

July 6, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — deandentalcare @ 4:56 pm
man smiling with chipped tooth

While having lunch with friends, you bite into something hard when suddenly, your tooth chips. Oh no! This incident can be unsettling but rest assured – remaining calm and following the right steps can help you handle it with ease. If you chipped a tooth, here’s what to do to alleviate discomfort and avoid permanent damage.

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