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Watch Out! DIY Teeth Whitening Can Damage Your Oral Health

May 12, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — deandentalcare @ 7:59 pm
lemon juice damage oral health

Having a gorgeous set of pearly whites can be a huge confidence booster for most people. After all, who doesn’t want a bright, healthy smile?

DIY teeth whitening has become increasingly popular in recent years since the desire for whiter teeth has become widespread thanks to the rise of social media. These hacks may seem like easy, inexpensive techniques for brightening your smile, but they can come with hidden costs.

Read on to learn how these at-home methods are damaging your teeth, and why you should consider seeking professional treatment instead.


How Same-Day Crowns Can Save Your Smile During a Dental Emergency

May 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — deandentalcare @ 6:12 pm
Machine designed to make a same-day crown

Dental crowns today are more advanced than ever before. Not only are they incredibly durable and capable of lasting longer, but they can be made from materials that naturally blend in with neighboring teeth for the best esthetics. Now, they can even be made in a fraction of the time thanks to technologies like CEREC. Of course, same-day crowns aren’t only ideal for convenience. They can also play a role in the event of a dental emergency. Consider the benefits of choosing an emergency dentist that offers this technology in-house!


The Connection Between COVID and Dental Emergencies

March 1, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — deandentalcare @ 2:15 pm
dental emergencies from COVID

For over a year, the world has been rocked by the COVID outbreak. As a result, several peripheral issues have arisen. Dentists have noticed an influx of dental emergencies from COVID, but why? How can a respiratory virus impact a person’s dental health? As you continue reading, a dentist explains the connection and what you can do to prevent a dental emergency.


What Do Your Teeth Say About You?

January 21, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — deandentalcare @ 1:39 am
Man smiling

You use your teeth every single day to eat, smile, speak, hold in your saliva, and maintain the structure of your face. However, have you ever thought about all the secrets about you that your smile holds? Your habits, lifestyle, and specific traits about you can all be determined just by analyzing your teeth. So, what do your teeth say about you? A dentist in Covington explains the different things that your smile has to say about you.


How to Manage Sensitivity from Teeth Whitening

January 5, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — deandentalcare @ 12:34 am
Woman with sensitivity after teeth whitening in Covington

If you have ever had your teeth whitened, it is possible that you experienced pain or discomfort afterwards. Teeth whitening is a great and exciting way to enhance both your smile and confidence, but is it really worth the discomfort that you feel afterwards? The good news is that this sensitivity is not permanent and there are certain ways that you can avoid it in the future. Continue reading to learn more about teeth whitening in Covington and how you can avoid discomfort.


5 Myths About TMD/TMJ Problems Debunked

December 24, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — deandentalcare @ 8:23 pm
A woman in need of TMJ therapy in Covington.

When your jaw is healthy, it’s not necessarily something you spend a lot of time thinking about. However, once you start to notice discomfort, life if you find it difficult to open and close your mouth, or you hear clicking in your jaw joints, it becomes impossible to ignore. In order to dispel the misinformation that exists online today, an expert in TMJ disorder and problems related to the jaw joints would like to debunk five of the most common TMD myths.


How Women May Be at Higher Risk for TMJ Disorder

December 11, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — deandentalcare @ 7:32 pm
A woman with TMJ disorder listening to a dentist.

Do you ever feel like your jaw is experiencing discomfort for seemingly no reason? Are you currently pregnant and finding it difficult to move your jaw due to chronic pain? According to a 7-year study funded by the National Institutes of Health, researchers have reason to believe that women, particularly those between 18 and 44, may be at higher risk of developing problems related to their temporomandibular joint (or TMJ disorder.) Learn how and the ways that it can negatively affect your health.


3 Tips for Invisalign-Wearers During the Holidays

November 9, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — deandentalcare @ 7:01 pm
Woman with Invisalign

The holiday season is upon us and can be quite overwhelming with distractions everywhere you look. Last minute gift purchases, wrapping up projects at work, and occupying the kids while they’re out of school are just a few of many tasks. While all of these activities are quite time consuming, it’s important to stay on top of your orthodontic treatment. Dentists who treat misaligned teeth with Invisalign in Covington all agree; don’t take a break from your treatment just because life is hectic! Read on to learn how to stay on top of your dental game while celebrating the holidays.  


How to Save Money by Using Your Dental Insurance Benefits Before the End of the Year

September 6, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — deandentalcare @ 2:54 pm
dentist holding pink piggy bank

It has been well over six months since you last saw your dentist for a checkup. You meant to book another one right after your last cleaning, but you just never got around to it. While it might not seem like a big deal, putting off these appointments might actually make you waste money, especially if you pay dental insurance premiums. That’s right, seeing your dentist twice a year could mean more money in your pocket. Keep reading to learn why you should visit your dentist again before 2021 and how doing so could maximize your dental insurance benefits.


Will My Insurance Plan Cover Root Canal Therapy?

June 11, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — deandentalcare @ 3:51 pm
Patient settling root canal payment with receptionist

The root canal procedure is very common in dentistry. It is performed to treat an infection of the tooth. With all the pain associated with an infected tooth, the last thing you want to be worried about is how you are going to pay to put an end to it. Fortunately, your dentist in Covington has all the answers. Keep reading to learn more about the cost of root canal therapy and how insurance companies handle it.

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