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How Your Dental Team Cleans Their Instruments

May 10, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — deandentalcare @ 3:45 pm
Instruments being sterilized at the dentist

Because of everything that’s going on in the world regarding the outbreak of COVID-19, you have likely been avoiding touching surfaces in public places, constantly disinfecting new items in your home, and frequently washing your hands. These are all great precautions to take. With all the things that you worry about being clean, dental equipment during your next checkup shouldn’t be one of them. Dentists ensure that their instruments are always sterilized between patients to prevent the spread of illnesses and infections. This is especially critical during the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more about how your dentist and dental team disinfect equipment along with other cleaning steps being taken around the office to keep you and your family safe from contracting the virus.


4 Items Your Dentist Is Wearing to Protect You & Themselves

May 4, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — deandentalcare @ 8:06 am
Two dentists wearing personal protection equipment with patient

From working from home to maintaining a six-foot distance from others in public, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed many aspects of our lives. These changes extend to the dentist’s office, where your dental team has implemented a wide range of new dental safety protocols designed to enhance patient safety. For example, the next time you arrange a checkup, you will likely notice your dentist and dental hygienist are wearing personal protection equipment (PPE). Interested to know more? Keep reading to learn about the 4 items of PPE your dentist is now wearing to protect themselves and patients like you.


Dental Implants: What Makes a Good Candidate?

April 20, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — deandentalcare @ 8:08 pm
Dental implant

You’ve recently lost a tooth and are exploring your options to replace it. Dental implants are on the cutting edge of dental technology. They are a wonderful way to give you a new tooth without affecting any other teeth. It’s a simple process with a completely functional and natural-looking result. But is everyone a candidate for dental implants? These are the things that your Covington dentist will look for while determining if you’re a good fit.


How Your Dentist Keeps Their Practice Clean During COVID-19

March 26, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — deandentalcare @ 2:11 pm
dentist washing their hands

Since the recent outbreak of COVID-19, everyone has been understandably obsessed with keeping themselves clean and germ-free. In these times, you might be apprehensive about visiting your dentist for emergency care. Did you know, however, that dental practices are some of the cleanest places in the whole country? This is because they follow strict protocols set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Keep reading to learn some of these guidelines.


How to Keep Your Mouth Healthy Until Your Dentist Reopens

March 20, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — deandentalcare @ 2:53 pm
man using electric toothbrush

Do you pride yourself on always having a clean mouth and never having cavities? If so, you might be worried about the fact that most dental practices are postponing regular cleanings and are only treating emergency patients due to the COVID-19 pandemic. You might be anxious about getting cavities without attending your six-month cleaning. Luckily, your dentist has provided this list of tips for keeping your mouth clean and healthy in the meantime.


What Are the Benefits of Using The Wand™?

February 10, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — deandentalcare @ 8:15 pm
a young woman seated in a dentist’s chair preparing for a dental procedure that requires an anesthetic

Hate the idea of having to get a shot in the mouth while at the dentist? With many dental procedures, it is necessary to administer some form of anesthesia, but this usually comes via a small needle. The idea of this can cause people to forgo their appointments and put off important dental work. Fortunately, dental technology has advanced in such a way that patients no longer need to fear. With the help of The Wand™, you’ll feel nothing at all, thus, alleviating your concerns and allowing you to feel more at ease during your appointment. Read on to learn more about this new piece of technology and its many benefits.


Do You Have TMJ Pain? Here’s How to Get Rid of it

December 20, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — deandentalcare @ 2:24 pm
dentist pointing to the temporomandibular joint on a skull

According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, TMJ disorder is a chronic condition that impacts between five and 12 percent of the population. However, this condition is more prevalent in younger patients. Your temporomandibular joints are what connects your jawbone to your skull, and when they’re not working properly, that can make it uncomfortable completing daily tasks such as eating or speaking. Read on to learn what symptoms to look out for and how you can get this painful condition treated.


Dental Insurance Is Expiring Soon – If You Don’t Use It, You Lose It!

November 20, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — deandentalcare @ 6:13 pm
Computer screen that reads, Dental Benefits

Is it true that unused dental insurance benefits roll over at the end of the year? Although many people think so, the answer is actually no. And, unfortunately, that common myth can cost you hundreds every year! But don’t worry – you still have time to use (instead of lose) your benefits in 2019. It’s helpful to start by learning a few tips and tricks, so keep reading to find out what services are typically covered and how to take advantage of your plan. With this information, you’ll not only improve your oral health, but you’ll do it as affordably as possible. 


Welcome! Check Out a Dentist’s New Monthly Blog For Valuable Oral Health Tips

November 7, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — deandentalcare @ 2:30 am
Woman getting a dental exam

Welcome! At Dean Dental Care, we wanted a way to give you valuable information about your oral health, and now we’re excited to share the first installment of our new monthly blog with you. Today, you’ll learn about the comprehensive services we offer and what sets us apart from other dental offices. But don’t forget to check back in, as we’ll be writing about a variety of new topics each month. So if you ever want to learn about cavity prevention, the best way to whiten your teeth, or how dental implants work, this is the place to do it! And, finally, whether you’re looking for a new dentist in Covington or you’re already an established patient, we look forward to caring for your smile for many years to come.

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