When you have several missing teeth, chewing food, speaking with friends and family, and showing off your smile all become a chore or negatively affect your self-esteem. While dentures can be a fantastic solution for many, others may find them difficult to adjust to or uncomfortable no matter how long they use them. Furthermore, dentures don’t address tooth loss at the source, which is the root portion of the tooth. The only way to do this effectively is through dental implants, which can be customized to fit with your full or partial denture! Call Dr. Stephen Dean today to set up your next consultation and learn if implant-retained dentures in Covington are right for you!
By placing a series of dental implants throughout the jaw first, your dental prosthetic is capable of staying in place far more effectively compared to traditional options. What’s great about dental implants is that you do not need to have a dedicated dental implant to hold each tooth you intend to replace. For example, a whole row of teeth can be held with four, six or eight dental implants, depending on the needs of the patient. Keep in mind that this option does require oral surgery to complete.
Implant-retained dentures are ideal for patients who either do not want a traditional denture to replace teeth or those who have a denture and want a prosthetic that maintains a better fit. It’s also perfect for patients who want to retain the health and structure of their jaw bone. Doing so will make chewing certain foods easier and help maintain their facial appearance. Even those who have had dentures for a long time can still take advantage of this treatment. During your consultation, Dr. Dean will confirm if any preparatory treatments are needed beforehand.
When you first arrive for your consultation, Dr. Dean will perform a detailed exam of your mouth and any missing teeth you have. From there, he can begin planning your dental implant procedure. Thanks to his expertise and training, Dr. Dean can perform the entire surgical procedure right here in his office. On the day of your surgery, a series of implants will be placed throughout the jaw and given several months to heal. Once the implants have fully integrated with your bone tissue, we can place any necessary abutments (connectors) to the implants so the prosthetic can be secured effectively. After a few more weeks of healing, your permanent prosthetics can be attached.
Even after many years of use, your implant-retained denture should remain stable and in place, regardless of what type of diet you have. As biting strength substantially improves, you’ll have far more confidence in expanding your diet and showing your smile off to others. Since the prosthetic is affixed to your implants, you won’t have to remove your denture to keep it clean. Simply practice routine brushing and flossing and maintain visits to our office every six months.